Monday, October 4, 2010

Science Departments & Webmasters

The past couple of weeks have been very trying for me. Between marketing the "you know what" out of Chrome Battery, and attempting to keep my head above water in the 5 classes I'm taking this semester, I am unbelievably exhausted. The good news is that I'm back and I'm better than ever! The marketing has been going unbelievably well. I must admit that I give all credit to the wonderful teachers that I've been speaking with throughout Indiana. I have contacted over 50 different schools and the teachers have been extremely receptive to our section on Chrome Battery that is designated specifically for kids. In case I haven't spoken of it before, it's Battery Kids, and it focuses mainly on science projects for kids of all ages. We're still trying to think of a great name for our Alien Scientist, but between emails, texts, and Facebook suggestions, I believe we may have a few favorites!

We have had multiple teachers and webmasters place Battery Kids on their websites for the students and parents. We're really hoping that the parents use the resources and spend quality time with their kids. We're also planning a Science Project Contest (with PRIZES!!!) within the next couple months. We couldn't be more excited! Make sure to keep up with everything on this blog or on the Battery Kids site! Thanks all!