Monday, October 4, 2010

Science Departments & Webmasters

The past couple of weeks have been very trying for me. Between marketing the "you know what" out of Chrome Battery, and attempting to keep my head above water in the 5 classes I'm taking this semester, I am unbelievably exhausted. The good news is that I'm back and I'm better than ever! The marketing has been going unbelievably well. I must admit that I give all credit to the wonderful teachers that I've been speaking with throughout Indiana. I have contacted over 50 different schools and the teachers have been extremely receptive to our section on Chrome Battery that is designated specifically for kids. In case I haven't spoken of it before, it's Battery Kids, and it focuses mainly on science projects for kids of all ages. We're still trying to think of a great name for our Alien Scientist, but between emails, texts, and Facebook suggestions, I believe we may have a few favorites!

We have had multiple teachers and webmasters place Battery Kids on their websites for the students and parents. We're really hoping that the parents use the resources and spend quality time with their kids. We're also planning a Science Project Contest (with PRIZES!!!) within the next couple months. We couldn't be more excited! Make sure to keep up with everything on this blog or on the Battery Kids site! Thanks all!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cute Alien Scientist Names

Alrighty everyone! I need your help! Battery Kids has a cute little alien (mad) scientist on the front of the page, and I need to think of a name for him. I wanted to relate his name to batteries somehow, since he is our mascot and all.Tell me what you think about these names so far:

NiMh (Pronounced Nim)
iO (Pronounced eye-o)

That's all I've got for now. If I think of anymore, I will edit the post and add them. But he's so stinkin' cute, and he deserves the best name ever. I'm considering starting a contest on the Battery Kids page to invite kids to send in their name ideas. Whoever's name gets picked, wins a prize. Anyone think that's a good idea?

I need some feedback people! Let me know! Hope everyone's having a fabulous day! I am! Today's my birthday. Nothing better than that :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Discounts Galore

We are so very excited to start selling our products in November. I can't believe how quickly it is approaching. Ever feel like you are not prepared for a huge adjustment in goals and daily activities? Lately I've been so focused on marketing and linking and reaching out to the community that I haven't even taken a chance to sit and think about how everything is going to change once our site is live! Let's see. We'll need to be trained in sales, and I'll definitely need to focus on promoting our site to different corporations that could use our products. I'm thinking about offering a 20% discount on all of our products to get our name out there and to help any companies that need to make massive battery orders. We're so eager to start selling that we honestly can't contain ourselves. We've got a great group here and we know that the customer service will be absolute perfection :)

There's nothing better than finding that people actually do love your efforts and seeing the impact you make in your local community as well as the impact you make in your "internet community". If anyone wants to offer any suggestions on discount offers or different companies to offer a discount to, send them my way! We want to get to know everyone around town ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Battery Kids

Battery Kids is going to be the most spectacular science project website out there! We are so very excited to get it started up. I believe at this moment in time, we have approximately 20+ projects up. Our goal is 50 by the end of the week. If you have any project ideas that aren't up yet, let me know and we will definitely get it up on the site :) Also, we need a name for our cute little alien scientist. I keep trying to think of a name, but just haven't come up with anything good enough for him! Battery Kids is an amazing site, and as Eric Mey works on it, it will continue to get better and better. We are so glad that he's a part of our team, and his creativeness and excitement about our site is so refreshing. Our ultimate goal is to get different schools and townships to allow us to link our site to theirs so they can utilize our site for all school projects. Let me know if you can think of any other ideas to help optimize this treasure awaiting the Internet World!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back Links vs. Link Exchanges

When I first began this road to discovery, I kept hearing the words "linking", "backlinking" and "link exchanges". I felt like I was in over my head. I was pleased to get some great advice from John and friends at I was surprised to find that Link Exchanges and Backlinks were completely different. Link Exchanging is when you swap with other sites. Kind of a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" and Backlinking refers to when another site puts your site on theirs as a link.

I also learned that Link Exchanging isn't as great for earning page rank through Google. If you get a site to backlink to your site, it's worth so much more.

Speaking of linking. I am the Strategic Marketing Director for Chrome Battery and we are so excited to begin this journey of being discovered on the internet. The excitement of learning that you have more people visiting your site each day is so rewarding :)

I look forward to sharing with you our daily struggles and accomplishments. If you have any thoughts about what I've written, or if you just want to share your own success stories, feel free! I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you!